Monday, July 7, 2008

Killings,shootings,grow ops and corrupt cops

It's been a really good month in the drug war.There have been two shootings in town.One was a fight amongst street level dealers and ended with one man shot in the leg,one arrested for gun possession and a third in the wind.The other was a gang land hit and will not be solved as the police have a zero for god knows how many killings in gang land.In Ontario,the arrest of two officers led to a case involving cops prison guards and drug dealing and use.It seems the crown took too long getting it's case together for a judge so the whole corrupt mess was tossed out.What else can you expect in a war whose only enemy is it's own people.The country is divided down the middle on the issue and the government acts as if it had a mandate to act as if it's own personal agenda was the law of the land.They have stiffened penalties for crimes that half the country doesn't even see as crimes.Prohibition was a disaster with alcohol because people love to drink.The prohibition of drugs succeeded for a time because the usage was mainly in the ethnic communities.Drug laws were aimed at ethnic peoples because whites in power feared that their women would fall victim to "negroes,hispanics and jazz musicians".The genie was let out of the bottle in the 60's when a generation rediscovered them in a counter culture that formed around war protest and a few college proffessors that thought the whole world would be better off if every one dropped acid.Marijuana has since become the intoxicant of choice of many people and has been tried by even more.It is less harnmful than alcohol and those that claim we have one problem and don't need another are probably never going to try drugs anyway.It is simply unfair to allow one of the most harmful intoxicants on the planet to be government distributed while less harmful substances are prohibited.It is obvious,to all but the right wing leaning and the moralists,that pot should be legal and other drugs should be controled and distributed by physicians.The prohibition of drugs has been a terrible and expensive failure.How much longer are we to be held prisoner to a failed and very costly experiment in human mind control?