Saturday, March 14, 2009

The people in charge never learn

With deaths and gunfire accounting for as many as 6 people on a bad day,our Premier ,with his usual knee jerk reaction to a situation,has decided to manufacture a prison for gang members only.I have been involved with the criminal justice system for many years and even I know that this is about as stupid an idea anyone could come up with.In the 60's and early 70's they useed to put all the drug addicts into one segregated area of the prison and all this did was allow the addicts to [plot and plan the best possible ways to get narcotics into the institution.It caused a whole lot of other problems as well and I am absolutely dumbfounded that anyone would be so stupid as to allow the same c onditions to occur again.Politicians are so out of the loop when it comes to the criminal element that for a premier to try to make policy on the run is just about as dumb as it gets.Everyone is using the current gang situation totheir advantage.They all want a piece of the pie.It's too bad that no one has the addict or the reality of the situation in theit thoughts.They're all out to try to capture as much of the tax dollar as they can.No one will be helped and noone will recieve any help from the beuraucrats who are all out to get what they can.