Tuesday, August 19, 2008

When is enforcing the law a criminal enterprise?

When you use the law to steal peoples property when there is virtually no evidence to support the proceeds of crime statute other than that the onus is now on the property owner to prove their innocence.Take the recent case of a reclusive gulf islands resident who's paid for,$600,000 dollar home was seized by the crown for the horrible crime of growing marijuana.Had this man actually been growing for profit he would have been aware of the law and the inherent danger of using his own property for the deed.The man,a 59 year virtual hermit,had been growing pot for his own use for 22 years.He freely admitted this thinking it would be in his favor.If he was a true criminal he would have said nothing and called a lawyer.The crown,in it's zeal to show how B.C. has a zero tolerance policy(unless your an aid to a government minister or a developer with a penchant for hookers and cocaine and the police chief for a friend)chose to take the mans every possession in spite of the obvious doubt that crime had anything to do with this property purchase.Since the passing of this act the Province has stolen 4 million dollars in just under two years.I'm sure a lot of this property was seized justifiably,if you think ownership a crime.If every drug dollar was pulled out of the province tomorrow,half of every new project would fall into the hands of whoever the drug lords chose to offload it on.How much of the recent construction boom do you think is being used to launder criminal proceeds?Not just drug profits but white collar crime prostitution,gambling,protection.Look at the recent activities of this government on the issue of patronage and lobbying.How much illegal money is involved in the ICBC scandal,the Dobel cases,the recent disclosures about the deals in Washington,not to mention Basi-Virk?Why is the only crime that's punishable by the forfeiture of property the drug crimes?It's a known fact that the majority of Canadians want an end to prohibition,especially marijuana prohibition.That's what's in play here.I don't know the man involved.I am only taking the word of him,his lawyers and his neighbors that he almost never has visitors or is even seen.Doesn't sound like a drug dealer to me and I was a drug dealer for almost 35 years.This law is double punishment for a property owner and nothing else.It puts the police in an obvious conflict of interest as the proceeds of the sale of seized property goes to the law enforcement community.What's to stop a police officer that sees something he likes from planting evidence and seizing it then having it purchased in a sweetheart deal for pennies on the dollar?Not possible you say? where have you been for the last 40 years.The drug war has corrupted more police officers than during alcohol prohibition when whole forces were on the mafia payroll.Do you really believe this isn't happening as we speak.We had a police chief working for a major drug ring in the late 50's before drugs exploded onto the scene.Does anyone think things have changed as much as they have with no concurrent corruption?What are you smoking?

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